Come celebrate with us June 20, 2020

Come celebrate with us June 20, 2020

Come celebrate with us June 20, 2020Come celebrate with us June 20, 2020Come celebrate with us June 20, 2020

Hotel Omni Mont-Royal

1050 Sherbrooke Street West

Half past five in the evening


Friday night dinner

June 19, 2020

6:30 pm cocktails

7:00 pm candle lighting

Ferreira Cafe

1448 Peel Street

Montreal, Canada

Hosted by 

Rosanna Besner

Robbie Besner and Gregg Zufelt


 June 21, 2020

10am to 1pm

Omni Hotel

Salon Printemps

1050 Sherbrooke Street West

Montreal, Canada


Please join us in our celebrations!